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 Link up with writers from Barbados, the Caribbean and the world¡ read about the latest happenings on the vibrant literary front in Barbados; receive informative newsletters find out what makes Barbados and "Bajans" unique.

West Indian Literature - A reference list of "literature" by West Indian authors. The emphasis is on prose written in English. Some poetry has been included, as well as works translated to English.

Caribbean Contemporary Arts (CCA) - "Visual Arts Organisation which works with contemporary visual artists and art scholars from the Caribbean and the Caribbean diaspora to exhibit, publish and document their practice and ideas."

Joesy´s Private Page - Paintings by the site's author, Caribbean music links, photo gallery, poems in German and more about Joesy.

Caribbean Art - Oil paintings and prints mainly of people and places of Barbados in the Caribbean.

The Caribbean Writer Online - An international literary anthology with a Caribbean focus in its 12th year of publication. Produced by the University of the Virgin Islands.

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